7IM funds
We’re not just fund managers, we’re fund management pioneers
We’ve been managing multi asset funds for a long time. In 2004 we launched the 7IM Multi Manager Funds, a hugely popular innovation, and followed this in 2008 with the pioneering 7IM Asset Allocated Passive (AAP) Funds, combining active asset allocation with passive implementation.
Over the years, we have continued to evolve our fund offering to meet your varying needs. We have funds aligned to meet your individual goals and values, including a Sustainable Balance Fund which we have managing since 2007.
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Assessment of value reports
The Financial Conduct Authority has requested that fund managers conduct an annual ‘Assessment of Value’ on their funds. You can find our reports here.
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Fund communications
Important updates relating to the 7IM fund range, including the communications that we have issued to registered investors, can be found here.
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How we manage money
Is managing money an art or a science? We definitely lean more towards science.
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