Keep up-to-date with your money wherever you happen to be
7IMagine is our award-winning interactive app, designed specifically for financial advisers and their clients.
Wherever you are – on holiday, on the way to work, out shopping – you can keep tabs on your investments on your mobile or tablet and get up-to-date details on how they are performing.
Learn more about 7IMagine in our video, or download the app for free from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store and Microsoft Store.
Welcome to the 7IMagine app. 7IMagine helps connect you to your finances in a clear and easy-to-understand way and you can access it through biometrics, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, just as you do with other devices. You're in control of how you view things. Straight away you can see the total of everything you have. For example, your pension, general investment account and ISA, all in one place. You can see how much you've added to your portfolio, how much you've taken out and the overall performance. Understanding how your portfolio is performing in relation to a benchmark, is important. With 7IMagine, this is easy to do and you can choose from a range of benchmarks. You can also look at the different constituents of your portfolio, individually. Another benefit of 7IMagine, is that you can see which asset classes you're invested in across your entire portfolio, so you can see what percentage overall is in cash, equities, fixed interest and other asset classes. This helps you and your adviser to understand and control the risk in your portfolio, both overall and in each wrapper. Where you're invested is important to understand too. With 7IMagine, you can also easily see your global allocation. 7IMagine lets you drill down into the detail. You can see each holding individually, along with the percentage and monetary change. You can also access the fact sheets, for a more detailed understanding. 7IMagine gives you total control and oversight of your wealth, when you want it and where you want it. For more information, please get in touch with your financial adviser. For more information, please get in touch with your financial adviser.

The MyMoney tool provides an interactive way to stay up to date with how your investments are performing and how your portfolio is split across assets as well as geography.
Your adviser can also access this, meaning they have all the information they need wherever they are.

If your adviser has created a cashflow plan using MyFuture, you will be able to view and monitor your progress to check you're on track to meet your future income aspirations. If you're unsure if you have access to MyFuture, please speak to your financial adviser.