7IM Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP)
We launched the 7IM SIPP in 2018, making it easier for advisers to invest in a SIPP on the 7IM Platform. We now have over 16,000 SIPP accounts holding over £4bn of assets.
New clients
Existing clients
New clients
Payments made to 7IM by bank transfer will be available to invest quicker than those sent by cheque.
Sort Code: 16-00-15
Account Number: 16294767
Account Name: 7IM Trustees Limited
Payment reference: {7IM SIPP reference}
Cheques should be made payable to 7IM Trustees Limited with the client's 7IM SIPP account number on the back and posted to 7IM, 1 Angel Court, London EC2R 7HJ.
Please note that we won't apply the cash to the 7IM SIPP account until the cheque clears.
Existing pensions held elsewhere can be transferred to a 7IM SIPP either in-specie (also known as re-registering) or in cash. You can include the transfers in the online application pack. Where possible, we will transfer cash electronically using the Origo system. You should send us a completed discharge form from the ceding scheme where you are transferring in-specie, as we may need to send this to the ceding scheme. You will be able to monitor the progress of every transfer in the assets in transfer section of our platform.
We can accept transfers from schemes that have a right to a retirement age of 55. This portion of the 7IM SIPP will retain that retirement age while the rest of the pension will be subject to the Normal Retirement Age (NRA). We can also transfer plans resulting from a pension sharing order as well as inherited plans in beneficiary drawdown. We cannot accept transfers from a Defined Benefit scheme.
On the death of the SIPP member, we will include the client’s expression of wish in the decision-making process. It is therefore important to include this in the online application pack.
It is common when completing an expression of wish (EOW) form to include small (typically 1%) allocations to children or grandchildren, in addition to the main allocation to a spouse, so that they are named on the EOW to enable them to potentially receive beneficiary flexi access drawdown in the event that both the member and spouse dies.
This can cause problems where the spouse is alive to inherit the pension from the member as the EOW still has the children’s allocation on it reducing the amount the spouse inherits.
However, under the 7IM SIPP, we have a clause in the expression of wishes, which states:
“In addition to any specific nominations above, I nominate for the purposes of the relevant tax legislation any individual who is eligible to receive a lump sum on my death, so that the 7IM SIPP can offer drawdown to them as an alternative.”
There is, therefore, no need to expressly name children/grandchildren on the EOW form for them to benefit from drawdown. Just make sure that the EOW has been completed otherwise this clause will not have been agreed to.
For more about the process of settling a client’s death benefits, please read our guide.
If clients contribute more than their available annual allowance (including any carried forward allowance), they may be subject to a tax charge from HMRC. Clients can request that 7IM pay this tax charge directly to HMRC from the cash in their 7IM SIPP. This is known as voluntary scheme pays. Please contact us if you wish to do this.
Existing clients
Clients who already have a 7IM SIPP account can make further member or employer contributions within their annual allowance using the payment details below. If a client wishes to make use of a previous year’s annual pension allowance, in addition to their current year's allowance, then please confirm the details of this when sending us the relevant contribution form. 7IM will credit tax relief immediately on all relevant net member contributions so you will be able to invest the full gross amount. Please note that we will need one of the below contribution forms before we are able to allocate any top-up contributions to a client’s 7IM SIPP.
Once you have completed the relevant form, please send it to the email address below.
Payments made to 7IM by bank transfer will be available to invest quicker than those sent by cheque.
Sort Code: 16-00-15
Account Number: 16294767
Account Name: 7IM Trustees Limited
Payment reference: {7IM SIPP reference}
Cheques should be made payable to 7IM Trustees Limited with the client's 7IM SIPP account number on the back and posted to 7IM, 1 Angel Court, London EC2R 7HJ.
Please note that we won't apply the cash to the 7IM SIPP account until the cheque clears.
Pension contributions can be funded from a client’s 7IM GIA or ISA. Please include the relevant GIA/ISA reference when you send us one of the above contribution forms. You will need to ensure that there is sufficient settled/cleared cash for the contribution as we cannot action an in-specie contribution.
Withdrawals from the 7IM SIPP
Uncrystallised pensions
Clients with an uncrystallised 7IM SIPP can crystallise some or all of their pension assets to:
- Take tax-free cash lump sum only
- Take tax-free cash lump sum and income
- Use tailored drawdown to set up regular crystallisation of tax-free cash lump sum/income
- Purchase a Secure Lifetime Income
- Use the 7IM Retirement Income Solution
To request a withdrawal, complete a Taking Benefits form and email to postroom@7im.co.uk at least 10 business days before your chosen payroll date (1st, 8th, 15th or 22nd).
Please ensure there is enough cash available to cover the full withdrawal amount.
For regular withdrawals you can also include regular sale instructions on the Taking Benefits form. If there is less than 20 working days until the payroll date, please ensure there is enough cash to cover the first withdrawal as there won’t be enough time to set up and execute the regular sales. The regular sales will then apply to the next payment onwards.
Crystallised pensions
Clients with a crystallised, or beneficiary, 7IM SIPP can:
- Take a pension income lump sum
- Start or amend regular pension income
- Purchase a Secure Lifetime Income
- Use the 7IM Retirement Income Solution
To request a new income withdrawal, please complete our Pension Income form and email to postroom@7im.co.uk at least 10 business days before your chosen payroll date (1st, 8th, 15th or 22nd).
To make changes to an existing income withdrawal, please complete our Existing Income Amendment form on behalf of your client and email to postroom@7im.co.uk at least 10 business days before your chosen payroll date (1st, 8th, 15th or 22nd).
Please ensure there is enough cash available to cover any lump sum income payments.
For regular income payments, you can also include regular sale instructions on both income forms. If there are less than 20 working days until the payroll date, please ensure there is enough cash to cover the first withdrawal, as there won’t be enough time to set up and execute the regular sales. The regular sales will then apply to the next payment onwards.
If you have any questions about the 7IM SIPP, speak to your 7IM contact or our SIPP administration team.
- Please ensure there is sufficient settled cash in the account to cover any income and/or tax-free cash payments.
- If you are using our Standing Investment Instruction tool to automatically invest a cash transfer, and there is a withdrawal required, please include a sufficient allocation to cash in the SII to prevent all the cash getting invested which could delay the withdrawal.
- Any sales need to have settled or transfers need to have completed at least 10 business days before your chosen payroll date (1st, 8th, 15th, or 22nd).
- Please allow 20 working days before the payroll date for any regular sales to be set up. If requesting a regular withdrawal to start later than this, please ensure there is enough cash for the first withdrawal as there won’t be enough time to set up and execute the sales. The regular sales will then apply for the next withdrawal onwards.
- To avoid any potential delay, please send us a copy of your client’s nominated bank statement in case we are unable to verify their bank account electronically.
- For new income payments, we will assume emergency rate tax code unless you can send us a P45 for the current tax year or a completed HMRC Starter Checklist.
- 7IM SIPP New Contribution Form
- 7IM SIPP Repeat Contribution Form
- 7IM SIPP Existing Income Amendment Form
- 7IM SIPP Pension Income Form
- 7IM SIPP Tailored Drawdown
- 7IM SIPP Taking Benefits Form
- 7IM SIPP Additional Transfer Form
- 7IM SIPP Expression of Wish Form
- 7IM SIPP Transitional Tax-Free Amount Certificate – Application Form
- 7IM SIPP Settlement of Death Benefits Guide
- 7IM SIPP Fees & Charges
- 7IM SIPP Key Features

All 7IM SIPP accounts will be included in the client’s quarterly statements and visible on the 7IM Client Portal and 7IMagine app.
Clients will receive an annual SIPP statement and Statutory Money Purchase Illustration (SMPI) directly from us in the post. Copies of this are available on request from our Platform Service Team.
Depending on their circumstances, clients may also receive other documents from us in the post relating to their 7IM SIPP as required by SIPP regulations.
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