Third-party SIPP on the 7IM Platform
Your clients can access the 7IM SIPP or third-party SIPPs on the 7IM Platform.
While the 7IM SIPP will cater for most clients needs, there may be occasions where you want or need to use a specialist SIPP provider instead, for activities such as:
- Holding commercial property or land - the rental income or other available money can still be invested on our platform
- Holding other non-tradeable assets such as private company shares or deposit accounts with the other tradeable assets held on our platform
- Handling Defined Benefit (DB) transfers which cannot go into the 7IM SIPP
There are a number of third party SIPP Providers available on the 7IM Platform. If the SIPP Provider you wish to use is not showing, please get in touch with us.

Please request any pension transfers directly with the SIPP Provider, who will process these.
Cash from transfers can be sent to us by the SIPP Provider for you to invest via the 7IM Platform.
The SIPP Provider will contact us in respect of any in-specie transfers, and we will then liaise with the existing pension provider or custodian to transfer the underlying assets. You will be able to monitor the progress of these in-specie transfers via the 7IM Platform.

All pension accounts linked to third-party SIPP Providers will be included in the client’s quarterly statements and visible on the 7IM Client Portal and 7IMagine app.
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