7IM Platform help centre
Here you will find a host of useful information to help guide you through the 7IM Platform.
Platform video guides
Please select one of the below categories to help find the video guide suitable to you.
Introducing the 7IM Retirement Income Solution (RIS)
Feel confident about your clients’ money lasting the distance and being ready to adapt to the ever-changing world with the 7IM RIS – managed by you, underpinned by our robust methodology.
Popular Platform documents
- 7IM Bank Details
- 7IM Client Portal User Guide
- 7IM Platform Adviser User Guide
- 7IM Platform Client Brochure
- 7IM Illustrations Guide
- 7IM Platform FE Analytics Link
- 7IM SIPP Tailored Drawdown guide (sales aid)
- Client Asset Protection – UK
- 7IM GIA, ISA & JISA Key Features
- Identification (AML) guide for non-personal clients
- Structured Products Process
All of our forms and documents can be found in our literature centre.
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Need to get in touch? Our Platform Service Team can help with technical support.
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