7IM Partnership Model Portfolios
Supporting the design and delivery of your centralised investment proposition.
Running your own centralised investment proposition can be a time-consuming activity, bringing with it additional risks and operational requirements. By choosing a 7IM Partnership Model Portfolio to provide your centralised investment proposition (CIP), you can benefit from our decade of experience running models, in a way that is right for you and your business.
We understand your challenges
Having worked with financial advisers since our inception in 2002, we understand the challenges you face. The most common concerns we see from advisers around running their own models can be broken down into three categories: Business and regulatory risk, operational burden and depth of investment knowledge, including:
Our approach
Our approach to the 7IM Partnership Model Portfolio Service puts you and your needs at the centre throughout. We will look to:
How do you benefit?
When choosing the 7IM Partnership Model Portfolio Service, you and your business benefit from:
Interested in a 7IM Partnership Model Portfolio?
If you want to know more about a partnership model portfolio, get in touch with our team today.
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To book a virtual meeting with our team, use the link below and select the region your firm is located, then choose a date and time that suits you.
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