Secure Lifetime Income Help Centre
Here you can find details of the application and quotation process for the Secure Lifetime Income (SLI) product provided by Just.
How to obtain a 'Ballpark Estimate' quote
If you want to provide a quick estimate to a prospect, or don't have a client's full personal and health information, follow the steps below to generate a 'Ballpark Estimate'.

How to obtain an 'Accurate Quote'
If you are looking for a tailored quote, specific to your client and have their personal and health information, you can generate an ‘Accurate Quote’.

How to apply for a SLI
If you have generated an 'Accurate Quote', you can apply for SLI providing that the eligibility criteria have been met.
7IM supporting documents for SLI
Just supporting documents for SLI

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If you have a query whilst using SLI on the 7IM Platform our team will be happy to help.
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