Ready for Retirement Study
In our latest research, we set out to learn more about the challenges faced by both your peers and your clients when it comes to retirement planning.
Retirement can be a complex and challenging time for clients and advisers, especially in our ever-changing world.
So, together with Cicero/amo and the lang cat, we set out to better understand the views of both retirees and advisers about what they want now and where we as a financial services industry are failing them.
After all, we believe the better we can get to grips with these issues, the better we can support each other to deliver the best possible outcomes for clients.
So let's get it together as an industry, and make sure we deliver the outcomes that clients deserve.
Let's get it together
Now is the time for us as an industry to really deliver for clients the income solutions they need for retirement.
Russell Lancaster Managing Director, Platform and Intermediary Partnerships

Ready for Retirement Report One: Are annuities dead?
In the first of our Ready for Retirement Reports, we aim to shine a light on whether there is still a demand for a guaranteed income at retirement and answer the question 'are annuities really dead?' The findings include:
To guarantee or not to guarantee?
75% of retirees want a guaranteed income, though for advisers, flexibility is key and only 12% of advisers say this is important

Retirement regrets
33% of retirees would make different financial decisions about their retirement.

Want to find out more?
To read the findings in full, request a copy of our first Ready for Retirement Report - Are annuities dead?

Ready for Retirement Report Two: Choice and flexibility – 'I want it all'
Our second Ready for Retirement Report takes a look at how plans change in retirement, through choice and necessity, and explore why flexibility within a SIPP is critical.
Flexibility is key
64% of advisers say that flexibility to adapt to increased longevity is something that most clients are now demanding.

Life doesn't always go as planned
51% of those asked retired earlier than planned, with over 40% doing so for negative reasons.

Want to find out more?
To read the findings in full, request a copy of our second Ready for Retirement Report: Choice and flexibility – ‘I want it all’.

Ready for Retirement Report Three: Putting the puzzle together
Our final Ready for Retirement Report explores clients' confidence in their income lasting throughout retirement and whether advisers feel that current CRPs are robust enough in meeting this challenge.
Retirement confidence
Only 44% of retirees are very or extremely confident they will be able to maintain a comfortable lifestyle throughout retirement.

Do you have confidence in the current crop of CRPs?
Three out of five advisers agree there is a need for more robust and centralised retirement income planning processes.

Want to find out more?
To read the findings in full, request a copy of our third Ready for Retirement Report – Putting the puzzle together.

Request a copy of the reports
Please complete the form to receive your chosen reports.
How 7IM can help you solve these challenges
To find out more about 7IM and our retirement offerings, please get in touch
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