The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.

The ESG Investment Committee

Investment stewardship and ESG at 7IM are managed by the ESG Investment Committee, set up in 2020. It reports to the Sustainability Committee and to the Investment Committee, which is the senior decision-making body for all 7IM’s investments and is ultimately responsible for investment performance.

Our ESG Investment Committee

The ESG Investment Committee is based in the Investment Team and has five people. It includes representatives from every stage of the investment process at 7IM: Strategic Asset Allocation, Tactical Asset Allocation, Portfolio Management and Risk.

Jack Turner, Head of ESG Portfolio Management
Chair: Jack Turner
Head of ESG Portfolio Management
Image of Uwe Ketelsen, Head of Portfolio Management
Uwe Ketelsen
Head of Portfolio Management
Wenqian Zeng, ESG Investment Analyst
Wenqian Zeng
ESG Investment Analyst
Loic Yebga, Investment Risk Developer
Loic Yebga
Investment Risk Developer
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