Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the UK Stewardship Code
7IM signed up to the United Nations PRI in 2019 – not only did we feel it was the right thing to do, it also gives our clients clarity about where we stand.
As part of our commitment to the PRI, we are fully integrating ESG issues into our investment process and produced our first public PRI report in 2023. We believe that incorporating the Principles into our investment process makes us more accountable in our aims of:
- Estimating the environmental footprint and the corporate & country governance of all 7IM Strategic Asset Allocation portfolios each year
- Analysing all tactical asset allocations in terms of ESG impact
- Integrating ESG considerations in our fund research and analysis
- Measuring and monitoring ESG considerations and climate risk of our portfolios
- Being sound stewards of our clients’ capital through engagement and voting practices
UK Stewardship Code 2020
For a third year running, we’re proud to be signatories of the Financial Reporting Council's Stewardship Code.
This shows our commitment to tackle and embed sustainability and ESG endeavours across both our investment process and the way we run our business. The code sets high standards for asset managers and holds us accountable to 12 principles covering a range of stewardship activities and outcomes. Our latest report covers everything we did in 2023 and our plans for the rest of 2024.
Find out more in our 7IM Stewardship Report 2023.
View the full list of UK Stewardship Code Signatories (external link)
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