The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.

Animated white microphone surrounded by an animated set of white headphones, within a pink circle against a purple background

2025 Year Ahead with Ben Covey and Ben Kumar

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Silver to Gold; the next chunk of the 21st Century

A lot has changed since 2000. Population growth has exploded (by around 2 billion people). The internet went from being eclectic to being essential. They’ve stopped making episodes of Friends. And three of today’s biggest companies (Google, Tesla, Meta) weren’t investable, because they either didn’t exist, or weren’t public.

But at the same time, lots of things haven’t changed. Populations might be larger, but people still want the same things. The internet is (largely) used to do all of the things we do anyway – talk, shop, and be entertained electronically. Friends is still one of the most popular shows on TV/Netflix. And three of today’s biggest companies were already household names – Berkshire Hathaway, JP Morgan and Eli Lilly.

We’ve never found “year ahead” financial market presentations very helpful. Typically, they do one of two things. Suggest things will stay pretty much the same as today, which is often boring and rarely useful. Or suggest there will be dramatic upheavals, which is not boring, but also not useful.

So in the interests of being ‘not boring but maybe useful’, we thought we’d take a longer perspective.

After all, we’re at the 25-year mark for the 21st Century – a Silver Jubilee. We’ll look ahead to what might change by 2050, and just as importantly, what might not.

Because although the Golden Jubilee of the mid-point of the century feels far away, for many people, it’s well within the investment horizon of their portfolios.

From interest rates to interplanetary travel, join us to find out more.


Ben Covey, Managing Director, Private Clients
Ben Covey
Managing Director, Private Clients
Ben Kumar, Head of Equity Strategy
Ben Kumar
Head of Equity Strategy
Capital at risk.

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