The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.

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Divorce, finances and protecting your future

7IM 2021 Families and Finances Webinar Series
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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In the final instalment of our Families and Finance webinar, we are looking in more detail at the important aspects to consider if you’re thinking of divorce, going into the process, or have indeed gone through the settlement and may be considering, what next?

We will be covering:

  • Cash flow planning and what you need to get in place for when

  • The importance of having the right professionals involved to help at each stage

  • Tax efficiently managing that divorce settlement

  • Many other significant steps to consider when protecting your financial future.

Join Olivia West and Louise Court, Private Client Managers, and Yasmin Wales, Financial Planner, to discuss the do's and don’t's, and hear some insight into some cases 7IM have been involved in.

Complete the form to register today.

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