The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.

2024 against a purple background

Thinking differently - what matters for investors in 2024?

7IM 2024 Webinar Series
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

There are things that matter, and things that don’t. In our personal lives, we get quite good at figuring out what those things are – we take our life experiences and adjust appropriately. Do less of the things that don’t matter, spend more on things that do. Simple, although not always easy!

The same is true in investing. There are things that matter, and things that don’t. But it is far less clear which is which.

Should you care about the US Presidential election in 2024? What about a UK election? Or an Indian one?

How important are tech companies? What about the price of oil? Or Bitcoin? Or interest rates? Or AI?

Tune in to meet Ben Covey, our new Managing Director of Private Clients, as he's joined by Martyn Surguy and Ben Kumar as they look at what matters for portfolios – in 2024 and beyond.


Ben Covey, Managing Director, Private Clients
Ben Covey
Managing Director, Private Clients
Image of Martyn Surguy, Chief Investment Officer
Martyn Surguy
Chief Investment Officer
Image of Ben Kumar, Head of Equity Strategy
Ben Kumar
Head of Equity Strategy
Capital at risk.
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