The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.

Image of brown leaves against a white background


Edition 8
13 Dec 2022

Welcome to edition 8 of inBrief, the 7IM client magazine.

The last few months have seen some real ups and downs in the global economy, and in this edition of inBrief, we address some of the key issues clients are facing.

Ahmer Tirmizi, Senior Investment Strategist, looks at how far in the future portfolios can really prepare for, while Yasmin Wales, Financial Planning Director, takes us through how the 7IM team can help you navigate these uncertain times into retirement.

We also hear from Giles Hutson, CEO of Insignis Cash Solutions, about how to tackle current interest rates with your cash balance, and Tyrone McGlinchey from the International Garden Photographer of the Year awards, on what makes a winning entry.

Read more below, and please get in touch if you have any questions:

Telephone: 020 3823 8678

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