7IM Model Portfolios For Financial Advisers
Our model portfolios are constructed to meet a range of individual clients’ needs according to their risk appetite and goals
Responsible Choice
Be part of a better future, today, with the Responsible Choice Models. These models combine our expertise in responsible and multi asset investing to help your clients make a difference, but without sacrificing performance.
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Our Active Model Portfolios employ the same active allocation process and discipline we use for our funds. Strategic Asset Allocation is our long-term plan, while Tactical Asset Allocation informs short-term adjustments.
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Like the active models, these models use the same active asset allocation process, but to keep costs down, the entire asset allocation is implemented with predominantly passive investments.
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The Passive Model Portfolios exclusively use our Strategic Asset Allocation, with no tactical overlay. This approach allows us to offer you and your clients a range of very competitively priced multi asset model portfolios, costing just 0.15%.
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Partnership Model Portfolios
Running your own centralised investment proposition can be a time-consuming activity. A 7IM Partnership Model Portfolio could be the solution.

Past performance is not a guide to future returns.

What to do when panic hits?
When panic hits the financial markets, it’s important to have a plan. We look after the investments, advisers look after the clients.
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What’s scary isn’t the same as what’s important
In times of dreadful hysteria, it's important to take a step back, reflect, not react and think in decades rather than days when it comes to managing investments.
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The Tempest: Investing through a sea-change
Like leaving the calm of a lake for the open sea, model portfolios face tough challenges.
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How we manage money
7IM’s investment process looks back in time, to learn from history, and forwards, to predict what may happen next.

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Model Portfolio Documentation
Here you can find all documents relating to the 7IM Model Portfolio Service, including the latest portfolio holdings and factsheets.
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Passive Model Portfolios
An ultra-low-cost range of passive model portfolios, using our long standing Strategic Asset Allocation.
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January 2025 Monthly commentary
7IM’s Investment Management team look back at last month's events, explain what actions they have taken and detail our core views.
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